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Product Features
Naturvital®Plus Highly concentrated liquid Leonardite humic acids
Naturamin®-Co/Mo Amino acids with cobalt and molybdenum for soybean and other field crops
Naturquel®-B Boron deficiency corrector
Naturfos® High uptake phosphorus and potassium
Naturfruit® Ripening enhancer with potassium

Daymsa’s nutritional programme aims to obtain increased production and better quality of chickpeas.
This is achieved through providing the crop with balanced nutrition.

Incorporating biostimulants and soil improvers right from the outset encourages rooting and nutrient absorption, which means the plants develop in an optimum way. Supplying cobalt and molybdenum encourages nodulation, which results in better nitrogen fixing, thus stimulating plant growth.

Supplying a boron deficiency corrector prior to flowering improves the fruit set, minimizing vegetative centres. Supplying a product which produces phytoalexins with systemic action stimulates the plants’ natural defences. Finally, we recommend applying potassium to the leaves to improve the size and quality of the chickpea.

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