Recommended products for


Product Features
Naturvital®Plus Highly concentrated liquid Leonardite humic acids
Naturamin®WSP Highly concentrated soluble amino acids
Naturfos® High uptake phosphorus and potassium
Naturfruit® Ripening enhancer with potassium
Retenol® Improves foliar treatment quality

Daymsa’s nutritional programme for leeks aims to obtain balanced plants, which means increased leek production and quality.

Incorporating biostimulants and soil improvers right from the outset improves root development and nutrient absorption. Aminoacids stimulate the growth and formation of the bulb when faced with stress situations (water, extreme temperatures, plant diseases, etc.).

A product which produces phytoalexins with systemic action activates the plants’ natural defences. Finally, applying a potassium-based fertilizer to the leaves improves the swelling and quality of the leek. For leaf applications to be more effective they must be applied together with a fertilizer-retaining agent.

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