Daymsa at World Cocoa Conference
The 3th World Cocoa Conference was held between 22nd and 25th of May 2016 in Barceló Bávaro Convention Center in Dominican Republic. The event is now established as the leading event for the global cocoa sector…

Expo Agriplanta 2016 in Romania was a success in visitors and interest.
From May 19th to 22nd 2016 Expo AgriPlanta – RomAgroTec 2016 was held in the romanian city of Fundulea where 210 companies from 17 countries participated. More than 14.000 visitors from all over the world attended the exposition.

Daymsa will exhibit in Expo AgriPlanta 2016
Daymsa will exhibit in Expo AgriPlanta–RomAgroTec 2016 for the 4th consecutive year. Expo Agriplanta is a 4 day event being held from 19th May to the 22nd May 2016 at the Fundulea town in Calarasi, Romania.

Daymsa: founding partner of AEVAE, and efficient alternative for packaging management
Daymsa together with another 21 Spanish companies, have created in 2015 AEVAE, a non-profit asociation with the aim of developing an alternative system for managing and collection of disposed containers of agricultural products.

Seminar Daymsa in Shiraz, Iran
Last April 28th, 2016 Daymsa and its local distributor in the area, organized a technical seminar and presentation of Daymsa´s range of products in the city of Shiraz. The main speaker in the event was Ph.D Zeina Wehbe…

Daymsa´s solutions for superintesive almond tree cultivation
Daymsa presented during the Technical Sessions held in the italian city of Pietrelchina its solutions for the cultitavion of almond tree in superintensive plantations.

Satisfaction with Daymsa´s participation at Fruit Logistica
From February 3th to 5th 2016 Fruit Logistica was held in Berlin, where 2.700 companies from all over the horticultural spectrum gathered. More than 60.000 visitors from all over the world attended the event.

Daymsa will exhibit at Fruit Logistica 2016 in Berlin
Daymsa will exhibit at the Fruit Logistica 2016 that will take place in Berlin from 3th untill 5th of February 2016. More than 2,700 companies from more than 80 countries and 65,000 visitors from across the entire fresh produce sector will again be present at Fruit Logistica.

Daymsa sponsored the 2nd World Congress on the use of Biostimulants in Agriculture
From November 16th to 19th the 2nd World Congress on the Use of Biostimulants in Agriculture was held in Florence (Italy) where Daymsa participated as of the main sponsors.

Presentation of Valtar® at Fruit Attraction 2015, Madrid
For the fifth consecutive year, Daymsa will participate in this must-attend event, that will take place in halls 3, 5, 7 and 9 at Feria de Madrid between 28 and 30th of October…