An amazing story with a promising beginning
In the 1970s the company Holding Company of the Samca Group that owns Daymsa, mined black lignite coal by means of underground and opencast mining methods from their mines in the Valle de Ariño (Teruel)
These mines suffered from recurrent and unfortunate sterilization where the coal suddenly transformed into what was disparagingly called “dust”: a black, highly staining coal, that became unpleasantly embedded in skin and nails, and which surprisingly and regrettably did not burn!
Following the ancient traditions of farmers in the area that marginally took advantage of this ill-fated “dust” on their farms, where among their specialist crops are the extraordinary Calanda peaches, unique late start peaches with an extraordinary presence and quality.
The research started by the geologist and researcher Mr. Joaquín Lahoz paid off, because he managed to profile these powders as belonging to a new mineral, “Leonardite”, with extraordinary properties and agronomic utility, as defined by Dr. Leonard in 1929 in the USA.

The discovery
Daymsa, Europe’s Leading Producer of Leonardite
Daymsa,started its production and commercial operations in 1979 with a very specific mission: to mine the recently discovered deposits of Leonardite to produce Agricultural Soil Improvers.
In fulfilling its mission, Daymsa started Leonardite production in Spain achieving, after twenty years of pioneering academic work and training, widespread use in agricultural applications throughout Europe.

Daymsa’s commitment to R&D&I.
Ecological Certification.
The key to Daymsa’s activity is Research of new products and their Development to achieve a high degree of quality. Studying the Application of new Products by means of fine-tuned and precise field trials in a wide variety of crops is also crucial.
Daymsa has developed highly innovative products such as the unique Naturamin®WSP, Cytoplant®400, or Madurel®. When these products are applied at the precise time, the yield and quality of fruits, vegetables and field crops increase significantly.
In 2016 Daymsa received the Innovative SME seal from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This seal rewards our investigative labour and the innovative character of our firm in a highly competitive and ever evolving sector.
Most Daymsa products are natural and plant-based and on occasion based on natural minerals, free from chemical treatment. Daymsa has a number of certifications and accreditations that allow the use of its products in Organic Farming, issued by the most prestigious Certification bodies in the world, such as ECOCERT, BCS Öko-Garantie, Ecolabel, Certicaae, INTERECO, OMRI and Control Union.
Quality and Sustainable development
Daymsa has met with a warm welcome in the more developed countries where they are sensitive to this new concept that has gradually become more widespread around the world: Agriculture, like all other means of production, must be environmentally friendly and sustainable in the long term.

Certified status
Environmental policy

Daymsa’s strategic partnership with Frutaria
The strategic alliance with Frutaria allows Daymsa great insight into the needs of the most advanced farms. Daymsa’s Research and Development would not be complete without the opportunity to Experiment in these market-leading farms. This allows us to be at the forefront in product Innovation.
Internationalisation of Daymsa
Today Daymsa is present in more than 40 countries
This structure is highly effective in transferring new techniques, developed by the Spanish central office, to the market as well as in the control and monitoring of its implementation and development throughout the world.