DAYMSA certifies biostimulants under UNE Standard in organic agriculture production

Daymsa certifies its organic biostimulant products with respect to the EC Regulation 889/2008 following the UNE 142500 (2017) Standard with CAAE.
UNE Standards were made by UNE (Spanish Association for standardisation) on request from Ministry of Agriculture of Spain, with the objective of harmonize and set common criteria in the certification of inputs for use in organic agriculture. The certification of 16 Daymsa products, represent an added value for farmers and final consumers of fruits and vegetables.
In this way, Daymsa remains at the forefront in the research, development, marketing and certification of its organic products.
Daymsa markets in its catalogue a high number of products certified for its use in organic agriculture. All these products are a prove of our commitment with organic production, whose world Surface is 71.500 million of hectares, and growing year after year.