DAYMSA present at the 14th edition of Fruit Attraction

DAYMSA present at the 14th edition of Fruit Attraction

Once again, the company Daymsa confirms its attendance at Fruit Attraction on 4,5 and 6 October at IFEMA, Madrid.

The capital hosts again the 14th edition of Fruit Attraction, the largest international event in the sector, organized by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, which has achieved in this edition to break all records with the participation of 1,800 exhibiting companies from 55 countries, the expected attendance of 90,000 professionals from 130 countries, and the occupation of more than 58,000 square meters of exhibition space with a total of pavilions.

From Fruit Attraction say that these are very positive data that demonstrate the growing interest of the fruit and vegetable sector to participate in the largest business center of the sector, and its support for promoting Fruit Attraction as a key lever for internationalization, and meeting point for all professionals that make up the entire supply chain.

In this sense, Daymsa will be present at this meeting of the sector in Hall 7 Stand 7E12 in order to present to the sector its activity with new products, as well as the different research carried out in recent months highlighting its range of microorganisms that includes biotechnological solutions based on microorganisms that maximize the profitability of crops highlighting products such as EnerPlus®, Mysakiam®, Nuptak® and Viproots®.

We look forward to seeing you at Fruit Attraction, 7E12!

Daymsa presents the new applications of EFICAL WSP via irrigation on strawberries

Daymsa presents the new applications of EFICAL WSP via irrigation on strawberries

Daymsa continues its commitment with EFICAL WSP, a nutritional solution to address calcium deficiencies on crop quality and post-harvest life in strawberries.

Calcium deficiency in berries can cause crop reduction and quality loss. DAYMSA presents the new applications of EFICALWSP via irrigation for a nutritional solution that facilitates a better absorption of calcium in the plant.

EFICALWSP is a biostimulant with high assimilable calcium richness that manages to increase the quality and post-harvest durability of fruit and vegetables. To improve the life of the harvest, it is essential to increase the level of calcium in the cell wall or “bound calcium”. This can be quantified by specific analysis of calcium pectate molecules. “The main difference that EFICALWSP provides us, is achieves a significant increase in “bound calcium” or calcium in the cell wall, achieving a substantial improvement in the shelf life of our fruit and vegetables”, comments José Carlos Amor, Sales Director of Daymsa.

Application of EFICAL WSP

The trial of EFICALWSP on strawberry via irrigation has been carried out in Moguer (Huelva) on the Strawberry Rábida variety, one of the most common varieties grown in Andalusia. It was carried out by technicians from the testing company ANADIAG.

The objective was to evaluate the content of total calcium and bound calcium in the fruit to see its influence on the quality of the fruit at harvest and post-harvest. The polytunnels in the trial were 85 m long with 800 plants. A total of 9.5 plants per square metre. Four applications of 4kg of EFICAWSP via irrigation were made every 15 days starting on 1 February.

Similar results would have been expected when spreading the doses of these applications on a weekly basis, for those farms where weekly applications are preferred.


Total and bound calcium content was measured in specialised laboratories on fruit samples at different dates during the trial. On the of 16 February results received their last application of EficalWSP on 1 February, in 15 days earlier. An increase in the content of bound calcium was measured in the fruit compared to the control, corresponding to an increase of 17%. This is very interesting because the applicatio

 This data is very interesting because the application of Efical WSP was done 15 days before the sampling, which means that the extra calcium supply from Efical WSP has been long lasting.

The next sampling for calcium analysis was done on the 4 of March (harvest three days after having received an application of Efical WSP). It is possible to see an increase in the calcium content bound in the fruit compared to the control, corresponding to an increase of 21%. This is a very positive figure which reflects the fact that the calcium supplied with Efical WSP reaches the fruit quickly.


The applications of EFICALWSP via irrigation carried out in this trial on strawberry crops show that the effect after application was rapid and maintained over time, with an increase in total calcium and bound calcium content being observed. This resulted in a higher fruit consistency at harvest and a higher strawberry weight (+3 grams on average). In the post-harvest period, a slowing of weight loss of between 17% and 30% was observed, as well as an increase in healthy fruit without rotting.

Fruit Logistica 2018

Fruit Logistica 2018

Daymsa participó un año más en Fruit Logistica que tuvo lugar en Berlín los días 7,8 y 9 de Febrero de 2018. La feria tuvo una gran afluencia de visitantes profesionales provenientes de más de 130 países.

Aprovechamos también la feria para promocionar nuestro bioestimulante Naturamin®WSP, que estimula el crecimiento y protege de las condiciones adversas para conseguir el máximo potencial productivo. Daymsa es una empresa líder en el sector de la Nutrición especializada, contando con las siguientes líneas de negocio: Bioestimulantes, Biocontrol, Mejoradores de Suelo y Agua y Correctores de Carencias.
Nuestro stand tuvo un continuo flujo de visitantes interesándose tanto por nuestros productos y por los países donde los comercializamos. Recibimos muchos visitantes de Europa, África, Oriente Medio, Asia, etc. Esto nos anima a continuar con nuestra política de expansión internacional.

Daymsa Stand